Catálogo Bibliográfico

Word warriors feminist translation in Canada casting doubt on the phallic order of things

Lavigne, Nicole

Word warriors feminist translation in Canada casting doubt on the phallic order of things - Valencia Universitat de ValènciaGeneralitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Benestar Social 2003 - p.393-404 - Género, lenguaje y traducción : actas del Primer Seminario Internacional sobre Género y Lenguaje (El género de la traducción-la traducción del género) : Valencia 16-18 octubre 2002 1 .

Inc. ref.

"The urgency of Nicole Brossard's writing has been carried torth in her words since the 1960's. For this Quebec feminist auther, the act of writing is an urgency that overwhelms her style and need to create.Brossard's voice has evolved with clarity and freedom, concentrating on the pleasure of words and the creation of new spaces for women. Brossard continues to create, to synchronize and to process thoughts, feelings, emotions and all the energy -mental, sexual, spiritual- they encompass..."



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