Catálogo Bibliográfico

The philosophy of grammar

Jespersen, Otto

The philosophy of grammar - Londres George Allen & Unwin 1948 - 359 p.

incl. ref.

This book has taken long in making, and like other pet children, it has borne many names.I am firmly convinced that many of the shortcomings of current grammatical theory are due to the fact that grammar has been chiefly studied in conexion with ancient languages known only through the medium of writing, and that a correct apprehension of the essential nature of language can only be obtained when the study is based in the first place on direct observation of living speech and only secondarily on written and printed documents. Contents: the definitions of proper names, the discussion of the relation between substantive and adjective, the definition of abastracs as nexuswords, the relation of subject and predicate, and the tripartitions in the capter on Negation.


H 811.111'36 =111 J494 1948

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