Catálogo Bibliográfico

The book of imaginary beings

Borges, Jorge Luis 1899-1986

The book of imaginary beings - London Penguin 1994 - 172 p. - Fiction .

The Book of Imaginary Beings. The compilation and translation of this volume have given us a great deal of such pleasure, we hope the reader will share some of the fun we felt when ransacking the bookshelves of the Biblioteca Nacional..." from the Preface. Few readers will want, or be able, to resist this modern bestiary. Here you will find the familiar - Gryphons, Minotaurs and Unicorns - as well as the Monkey of the Inkpot and other undeniably curious beasts Borges ́cunning and humorous commentary is sheer deligh. The cover shows Water by Giuseppe Arcimboldo in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna



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