Catálogo Bibliográfico

Das Lehren und Lernen einer zweiten und/oder weiteren Fremdsprache in der Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung

Burbat, Ruth

Das Lehren und Lernen einer zweiten und/oder weiteren Fremdsprache in der Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung - Sint-Amandsberg Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs october-december 2007 - p. 303-320 - Anual - Volume 53, Issue 4, 2007 v. 53, n. 4 .

Inc. ref.

In the teaching of a second/third foreign language for translators and interpreters it is important to consider the receptor group with their special needs and purposes from the beginning. Therefore the classes should work with themes related to the translator's profession and face up to the academic reality: usually in Spain ata university only a few hours of classes are offered and students begin their studies without any knowledge in the foreign language.



Biblioteca del CTPCBA
Av. Corrientes 1834 - Subsuelo
Buenos Aires (C1045AAN)
Tel: (+ 54 11) 4373-7173 int. 221

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Lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 18.00.
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