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Manual of specialisd lexicography : the preparation of specialised dictionaries

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Benjamins translation library ; 12Detalles de publicación: Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing Company , 1995Descripción: 255 pISBN:
  • 90-72-1612 6
Tema(s): Resumen: As the title indicates, the topic of this manual is specialised, or LSP, lexicography. Althoug neither terminology nor terminography is used in the title or in the individual chapters, they migh both have ben employed without the manual thereby becoming essentially different in term of contens and structure...
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Libros Libros Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre Colección General 81'374 =111 B453 (Navegar estantería(Abre debajo)) Disponible 1671

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As the title indicates, the topic of this manual is specialised, or LSP, lexicography. Althoug neither terminology nor terminography is used in the title or in the individual chapters, they migh both have ben employed without the manual thereby becoming essentially different in term of contens and structure...

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