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FIT position paper on international standards

Por: Tipo de material: Recurso continuoRecurso continuoIdioma: Griego moderno (desde 1453) Series ; vol.63n.5Detalles de publicación: Amsterdam : Jhon BenjaminsFédération Internationale des Traducteurs , september-october 2017Descripción: p. 747-750ISSN:
  • 0521-9744
Tema(s): En: BabelResumen: FIT, the voice of associations of translators, interpreters and terminologists around the world, sees a need to state its position on international standards relating to those professions. Standards in this context can be defined as a set of rules or guidelines aimed at harmonisation. Their application is not required by law, but a growing number of clients are demanding that translators and interpreters work in compliance with the standards and thus conform to the rules laid down in them.
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FIT, the voice of associations of translators, interpreters and terminologists around the world, sees a need to state its position on international standards relating to those professions. Standards in this context can be defined as a set of rules or guidelines aimed at harmonisation. Their application is not required by law, but a growing number of clients are demanding that translators and interpreters work in compliance with the standards and thus conform to the rules laid down in them.

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