Cameron, Déborah

Language, gender and sexuality - Valencia Universitat de ValènciaGeneralitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Benestar Social 2003 - p. 202-214 - Género, lenguaje y traducción : actas del Primer Seminario Internacional sobre Género y Lenguaje (El género de la traducción-la traducción del género) : Valencia 16-18 octubre 2002 1 .

Inc. ref.

"Let me begin by clarifyung my terminology. By "gender" I mean a social system which defines subjects as men adn women, and governs the relationships between them. By "sexuality" I mean a social system regulating the forms and the expression of erotic desire. I'll also be using the term "sexual identity" to refer to a social status which is based on claiming a particular form of desire. In modern western societies mosto salient sexual identities are defined in terms of object choice: a person may be hereosexual, desiring the other gender, or homosexual, desirin the same gender; or possibly bisexual, capable of desiring both genders. We assume that every individual belongs to one of these categories, and also that the category they belong to is an important thing to know about them..."



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