Gonzáles, Eduardo

The training of undergraduate students in translation-interpreting fifth and sixth skills to be developed? - Alexandra, VA American Translators Association 2003 - p.397-405viii, 447 p. - Proceedings of the 44th. Annual Conference. .

incl. ref.

It is well known in the fíeld of Foreign Language teaching that our undergraduate students should develop the so-called four skills: understanding, speaking, reading and writing. However, the ever-increasing needs of our society, among other factors, have determined that the aforementioned skills are not enough. Our students and graduates are called upon to perform translation and interpreting work, teach short courses in specific training áreas (construction, health, law enforcement,etc.) and serve the community with their skills. It is then, sometimes to their surprise, that they realize their training-practice has not been enough: they do not master the culture or the nuances of the foreign language variant they are supposed to transíate from/into. Taking this into consideration, this work presents a number of ideas for undergraduate training, including exercises and experiences, in order to fill the existing gap between undergraduate and gradúate interpreters' and translators' training.


061.3 : 81 ́25 ATA 44 2003