Reimóndez, María

Translating Shashi Deshpande's "Hear me Sanjaya" or how Kunti was made to speak galician - Valencia Universitat de ValènciaGeneralitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Benestar Social 2003 - p.500-514 - Género, lenguaje y traducción : actas del Primer Seminario Internacional sobre Género y Lenguaje (El género de la traducción-la traducción del género) : Valencia 16-18 octubre 2002 1 .

Inc. ref.

"Many of the studies concerning translation theory and practice have focused on literary translation. Even though in recent years this trend has changed substantially, literature still seems to be a very attractive field of analysis for translation scholars. Without any doubt, it is in the translation of literature where the most daring strategies can be found, at least in general terms. The fact that my research has focused precisely on a literaly text is also based on my aim to discover up to what extent cultural differences can be grasped and bridged through translation and how this can be done. In other words, how can in this case Kunti speak Galician through her own voice?"



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