The english Duden a pictorial dictionary - 2a ed. revisada - Mannheim Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim 1960 - 368 ; [128] ; [111] p.

Inc. ref.

Contiene índice en inglés y en español.

The English Duden has been adapted from the German Duden Bildwörterbuch published in 1958, and, like its original, groups by subjects words which can be represented pictorially. A first edition of The English Duden was adapted from the Duden of 1936, but since then the vocabulary of almost every subject which these books covered has undergone so great a change that a complete revision of both editions was necessary. Here, the words are grouped by their subject-matter into 368 sectons, each with a picture and a word list. The table of contents on page 6, divided into fifteen main headings, listl all the 368 plates and their numbers, while the indexes at the back of the book give after each word the reference numberof the word itself and the numberof the plate in which it appears.


HD 81'374.3 (038)=111 D863 1960