Miniglossary on AIDS Miniglosario del SIDA Miniglossaire su SIDA - 1988 - 25 p.

The first version of the miniglossary on AIDS was produced, following the International Conference on AIDS, held in Stockholm in June 1988 and the first Bank projetc on AIDS, early in 1988. The terms given were highly selective and were meant to cover only the key areas relating to AIDS. In addition, as the vocabulary was not standardized, variants on the terms given could doubtless be seen. The medical terms were given only in English and French ( though title of WHO/UN programs were given in Spanish as well). We have now added Spanish for most of the medical terms, as well as adding some of the international programs being carried out in this field and a few more medical terms. Naturally, with increasing research on AIDS, the introduction of new drugs, discoveries into the functioning of the human immune system and the development of new programs, many new terms will appear in the near future. Accordingly, it is hoped that this glossary will be regularly updated and augmented.


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