Catálogo Bibliográfico

Su búsqueda retornó 8 resultados.

Arms and the man : an anti-romantic comedy in three acts por
  • Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950
  • Ward, A. C [introd.]
Edición: 11th impression
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Idioma: Inglés
Detalles de publicación: London : Longmans, Green and Co, 1964
Resumen: Contents: Preface to Plays Pleasant; Arms and the man (Act I, Act II, Act III). By A. C. Ward: General introduction to the works of Bernard Shaw; Introduction to Arms and the man; General notes; Notes on the preface to Plays Pleasant and Notes on Arms and the man.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H 821-2=111 S26 1964.

Back to methuselah : a metabiological Pentateuch por
  • Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Idioma: Inglés
Detalles de publicación: London : Penguin, 1965
Resumen: Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin, of Protestant stock, in 1856, and died at Aot St Lawrence, Herts, in 1950. After a false star in ninetenth-century fashion as a novelist, he made a reputation as a journalist-critic of books, pictures. music, and the drama Meanwhile he had plunged into the Socialist revival of the eighteen-eighties and come out as one of the leaders who made the Fabian Society famous, figuring prominently not only as a pamphleteer and plattorm orater, but as a serious economist and philosopher, publishing major essays on Ibsen and Wagner. He broke out in a new direction in 1892 as a playright, although it was not until some twelve years later that the opposition he had always to face at first was overcome sufficiently to establish him as an irresistible force in the theatre.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H 821-2=111 S26b 1965.

The cocktail party por
  • Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 1888-1965
  • Coghill, Nevill [prol.]
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Idioma: Inglés
Detalles de publicación: London : Faber, 1974
Resumen: It focuses on a troubled married couple who, through the intervention of a mysterious stranger, settle their problems and move on with their lives. The play starts out seeming to be a light satire of the traditional British drawing room comedy. As it progresses, however, the work becomes a darker philosophical treatment of human relations. As in many of Eliot's works, the play uses absurdist elements to expose the isolation of the human condition. In another recurring theme of Eliot's plays, the Christian martyrdom of the mistress character is seen as a sacrifice that permits the predominantly secular life of the community to continue.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H 821-2=111 E46c 1974.

The importance of being Earnest por
  • Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900
Series The Alexander ShakespeareTemas: AUTORES INGLESES; INGLES; TEATRO.
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: Rosario : Molachino, 1974
Resumen: First performed on 14 February 1895 at the St James's Theatre in London, it is a farcical comedy in which the protagonists maintain fictitious personæ to escape burdensome social obligations. Working within the social conventions of late Victorian London, the play's major themes are the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage, and the resulting satire of Victorian ways. Some contemporary reviews praised the play's humour and the culmination of Wilde's artistic career, while others were cautious about its lack of social messages. Its high farce and witty dialogue have helped make The Importance of Being Earnest Wilde's most enduringly popular play.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H 821-2=111 W644 1974.

Murder in the cathedral por
  • Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 1888-1965
  • Coghill, Nevill [introd.]
Series Faber Education Editions for Advanced Level English
Edición: Reimp. 1975
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Faber, 1965
Resumen: Murder in the Cathedral is a verse drama by T.S. Eliot, first performed in 1935, that portrays the assassination of Archbishop Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral in 1170. Eliot drew heavily on the writing of Edward Grim, a clerk who was an eyewitness to the event. The play, dealing with an individual's opposition to authority, was written at the time of rising fascism in Central Europe. Some material that the producer asked Eliot to remove or replace during the writing was transformed into the poem "Burnt Norton"
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H 821-2=111 E46 1965.

Pygmalion por
  • Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950
Series Penguin Books ; 2Temas: AUTORES IRLANDESES; INGLÉS; TEATRO.
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Idioma: Inglés
Detalles de publicación: London : Penguin, 1951
Resumen: Living in poverty and struggling from day to day can be a very difficult way to live your life. Most of us, if given the opportunity, would try to make changes to our lives and our situation if we could. Pygmalion is a play by George Bernard Shaw that tells the story of a poor, young flower girl who has been disrespected and overlooked because of her appearance and the dialect she speaks. When given the opportunity, she decides to get language lessons in order to gain the respect of others and improve her overall status in life. The outcome of her training is not what she expected, and she is not only able to change her appearance and speech but also gain confidence in her own abilities.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H 821-2=111 S26 1951.

Tales from Shakespeare : Macbeth - Hamlet por
  • Shakespeare, William, -1916
  • Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834 [ed.]
  • Strong, Pablo M [tr.]
Series Nuevos textos bilingües ; 2. Inglés-español ; 1Temas: AUTORES INGLESES; CRITICA LITERARIA; EDICION BILINGÜE; ESPAÑOL-INGLES; TEATRO.
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Idioma: Inglés
Detalles de publicación: Madrid : R.P.D, 1936
Otro título:
  • Relatos de Shakespeare : Macbeth - Hamlet
Resumen: "(...) se han seleccionadolos textos en vista de su relativa facilidad de traducción, huyendo de las obras de estilo y vocabularios complicados y difíciles, pero siempre con una valor literario. Las traducciones se han hecho lo más literalmente posible siguiendo fielmente los pasajes originales, hasta el punto que lo permite la necesaria correción gramatical,. No se trata, pues, de versiones literarias que puedan tener vida propia independientemente de los textos extranjeros, sinó que han de ser consideradas en función de éstos".
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H 821.09=134.2=111 L165 1936.

William Shakespeare : the complete works por
  • Shakespeare, William, -1916
  • Alexander, Peter [introd.]
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Idioma: Inglés
Detalles de publicación: London : Collins, 1975
Resumen: Contents: Preliminary Matter to the First Folio (1623); plays; poems. Appendix: Special transcript by Sir Walter Greg of Shakespeare's contribution to Sir Thomas More. Glossary.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H 821-2=111 S15w 1975.


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