Catálogo Bibliográfico

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Gender, sex and translation : the manipulation of identities por
  • Santaemilia Ruiz, José [ed.]
  • International Seminar on Gender and Language, 1 Valencia - ES 16-18 octubre 2002
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: Oxon : RoutledgeUniversitat de València. Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, 2014
Resumen: Gendered and sexual identities are unstable constructions which reveal a great deal about the ideologies and power relatinships affecting individuals and societies. The interaction between gender/sex studies and translation studies points to a fascinating arena of discursive conflict in which our intimate desires and identities are established or rejected, (re)negotiated or censored, sanctioned or tabooed. This volume explores diverse and heterogeneous aspects of the manipulation of gendered and sexual identities. Contributors examine translation as a feminist practice and/or theory; the importance of gender-related context in translation; the creation of a female image of secondariness through dubbing and state censoriship; attempts to suppress the blantantly patriarchal and sexist references in the German dubbed versions of James Bond films; the construction of national heroism and national identity as male preserve; the enactment of Chamberlain's 'gender metaphorics' in Scliar and Calvino; the transformation of Japanese romance fiction through Harlequin translations; the translations of the erotic as site for testing the complex rewriting(s) of identity in sociohistorical term; and the emergence of NRTs (New Reproductive Technologies), which is causing fundamental changes in the perception of 'creativity' or 'procreation' as male domains.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 81'25:141.72=111 S59g.

The self-effaced translator in the Vida de Getrudes de San Ildefonso : representing female spirituality in colonial Quito por
  • Fernández, Carmen
  • Santaemilia Ruiz, José [ed.]
  • Universitat de València. Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya
  • Seminario Internacional sobre Género y Lenguaje, 1 ValenciaES 16-18 octubre 2002
Series Género, lenguaje y traducción : actas del Primer Seminario Internacional sobre Género y Lenguaje (El género de la traducción-la traducción del género) : Valencia 16-18 octubre 2002 ; 1Temas: BIOGRAFIAS; INGLÉS; LENGUAJE; MUJERES; RELIGION; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Quaderns de Gènere, Sexe i Llenguatge
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Valencia : Universitat de ValènciaGeneralitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Benestar Social, 2003
Resumen: "Stories of female spirituality in the Spanish Baroque most often result from the interaction between the mystic's original testimonies and the voice of a male author, typically the woman's confessor, who transcribes and interprets the initial texts while endowing them with legitimization. (...) In this paper, I will discuss the idea of the self-effaced translator in male narrations of famale spirituality by focusing the Vida de Getrudes de San Ildefonso, the biography of a Poor Claire nun who lived in Quito, what is now Ecuador, during the second half of the seventeenth century" .
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 81'25:141.72=134.2=111 S59.

Women rule as a natter of fact : reproducing and challenging gender stereotypes por
  • Talbot, Mary M
  • Santaemilia Ruiz, José [ed.]
  • Universitat de València. Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya
  • Seminario Internacional sobre Género y Lenguaje, 1 ValenciaES 16-18 octubre 2002
Series Género, lenguaje y traducción : actas del Primer Seminario Internacional sobre Género y Lenguaje (El género de la traducción-la traducción del género) : Valencia 16-18 octubre 2002 ; 1Temas: DISCRIMINACION BASADA EN EL SEXO; GENERO; INGLÉS; LENGUAJE; LENGUAJE Y SOCIEDAD; MUJERES; SEXISMO; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Quaderns de Gènere, Sexe i Llenguatge
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Valencia : Universitat de ValènciaGeneralitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Benestar Social, 2003
Resumen: "(...) People are perceived through a "lens" of gender polarisation and assigned to apparently natural categories accordingly. On the basis of this gender assignment, naturalised norms and expectations about verbal behaviour behaviour are imposed upon people. There is a strong tendency for gender stereotyping to set in. Stereotyping involves a reductive tendency. Like caricatures, stereotypes focus obsessively on certain characteristics, real or imagined, and exaggerate them".
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 81'25:141.72=134.2=111 S59.


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