Catálogo Bibliográfico

Su búsqueda retornó 23 resultados.

The Accidental Tourist por
  • Tyler, Anne
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Peguin, 1986
Resumen: Anne Tyler was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1941, but grew up in Raleigh, North Carolina, and considers herself a Southerner. She graduated at nineteen from Duke University, where she twice won the Anne Flexner Award for creative writing and became a member of Phi Beta. Kappa. She has done graduate work in Russian studies at Columbia University and worked for a year as the Russian bibliographer at the Duke University Library. Of her first novel, If Morning Ever Comes, The New York Times said, 'Anne Tyler's touch is deft, her perceptions keen, her ear for speech phenomenal, her people triumphandy alive . . . only a rarely talented novelist could have written this fine book.' Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant (Penguin 1983) was hailed by The Times as 'gripping and wise, sardonic and affectionate . . . a most rewarding book'...
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 T971t.

Across the river and into the trees por
  • Hemingway, Ernest
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Harper Collins,
Resumen: In this book Hemingway retums to Italy, the scene of his earlier c1assic, "A Farewell to Arms, This time the war is just over and in Venice, a city elaborately and affectionately described, an American colonel falls passionately, totally in love with an Italian countess. He is embittered, war-scarred, old enough to be her father but is bowled over by the selflessness and freshness of the love she is offering... But this is no fairy tale. The fighting may be finished but the wounds of war have not yet healed-and for some the longed- for peace has come too late.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 H373a.

The book of imaginary beings por
  • Borges, Jorge Luis, 1899-1986
  • Di Giovanni, Norman Thomas [tr.]
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Penguin, 1994
Resumen: The Book of Imaginary Beings. The compilation and translation of this volume have given us a great deal of such pleasure, we hope the reader will share some of the fun we felt when ransacking the bookshelves of the Biblioteca Nacional..." from the Preface. Few readers will want, or be able, to resist this modern bestiary. Here you will find the familiar - Gryphons, Minotaurs and Unicorns - as well as the Monkey of the Inkpot and other undeniably curious beasts Borges ́cunning and humorous commentary is sheer deligh. The cover shows Water by Giuseppe Arcimboldo in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-82=111 B644bo.

Breathing Lessons por
  • Tyler, Anne
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Vintage, 1988
Resumen: "Breathing lessons" covers the events of a day in the life or Maggie Moran, nearing fifty, married to Ira and with two children. Her eternal optimism and her inexhaustible passion for sorting out other people's lives and willing them to fall in love is severely tested one hot summer day. Maggie and Ira drive from Baltimore to Deer Lick to attend the funeral of the husband of Serena, Maggie's childhood friend. During the course of the journey, with its several unexpected detours - into the lives of old friends and grown children - Anne Tyler shows us all there is to know about a marriage: the expectations; the disappointments; the way children can create storms in a family; the way that wife and husband can fall in love all over again; the way that everything - and nothing - changes.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 T971a.

The brethren por
  • Grisham, John, 1955-
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: New York : Island Books, 2001
Resumen: Trumble is a minimum-security federal prison, a "camp," home to the usual assortment of relatively harmless criminals-drug dealers, bank robbers, swindlers, embezzlers, tax evaders, two Wall Street crooks, one doctor, at least five lawyers. And three former judges who call themselves the Brethren: one from Texas, one from California, and one from Mississippi. They meet each day in the law library, their turf at Trumble, where they write briefs, handle cases for other inmates, practice law without a license, and sometimes dispense jailhouse justice. And they spend hours writing letters. They are fine-tuning a mail scam, and it's starting to really work. The money is pouring in. Then their little scam goes awry. It ensnares the wrong victim, a powerful man on the outside, a man with dangerous friends, and the Brethren's days of quietly marking time are over.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31=111 G887b.

The rainmaker por
  • Grisham, John, 1955-
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Idioma del resumen: Inglés
Detalles de publicación: New York : Dell Book, 2003
Resumen: Memphis lawyer Rudy Baylor thought his law degree would be his ticket to the good life. Now without a job, he pins his hopes on an insurance dispute that has left a family devastated and opened a door to a lawsuit. By the time he gets to court, a heavyweight defense team is assembled against him and Rudy is plunged into a maze of lies and legal maneuvering. The case that started small is exploding into a million-dollar war of nerves, skill, and physical violence--a fight that could cost Rudy his life, or make him the biggest rainmaker in the land.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31=111 G887r.

The heart of the matter por
  • Greene, Graham, 1904-1991
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: Middlessez : Penguin, 1976
Resumen: Scobie, a police officer in a flyblown West African colony during the war, is above suspicion. Then, passed over for promotion, he is forced to borrow money from a Syriam trader to send his faded wife Loise on holiday. in her absence, he falls in the love with a pathetic child widow... and, inexorably, his concience and his love of God lead him to disaster.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 G822h.

To kill a mockingbird por
  • Lee, Harper, 1926-2016
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Idioma del resumen: Inglés
Detalles de publicación: Nueva York : Grand Central, 2010
Resumen: To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama, during the Great Depression. The protagonist is Jean Louise (“Scout”) Finch, an intelligent though unconventional girl who ages from six to nine years old during the course of the novel. She is raised with her brother, Jeremy Atticus (“Jem”), by their widowed father, Atticus Finch. He is a prominent lawyer who encourages his children to be empathetic and just. He notably tells them that it is “a sin to kill a mockingbird,” alluding to the fact that the birds are innocent and harmless. When Tom Robinson, one of the town’s Black residents, is falsely accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white woman, Atticus agrees to defend him despite threats from the community.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 L513.

Italian neighbours : as englishman in Verona por
  • Parks, Tim
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Mandarin, 1993
Resumen: Author's Note. I often find it useful, or at least amusing, to think of a book in terms of a gesture, a mood, a posture. In which case the gesture of this book might be that of a busy but inexpert feIlow dashing about the narrow confines of his territory waving a net on the end of a long stick. It's not a butterfly net, by the looks of it. It' s altogether too big for that, huge in fact. But it might be a will- o -the-wisp net.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (2)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 P238i /821-31 =111 P238i ej.2, ...

Loving Roger por
  • Parks, Tim
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Mandarin, 1993
Resumen: Tim parks is the author of six novels, includin "Tongues of Flame" (winner of the Somerset Maugham and Betty Trask Awards). "Family Planning and Goodness". He has lived in Italy since 1981, and his account of his first ten years there, Italian Neighbours, was published in 1992 to great acclain.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 P238l.

Millroy the magician por
  • Theroux, Paul
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: New York : Penguin, 1994
Resumen: When Jilly Farina walks into the tent at the Barnstable County Fair to see Millroy the Magician her life is transformed. Fixing her with his steely, hypnotic gaze, Millroy performs miracles in front of her spellbound eyes. And when he 'magics'her into his trailer and tells her he will train her to be his assistant, for the first time in her lonely life Jilly feels safe.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 t343m.

The ministry of fear por
  • Greene, Graham, 1904-1991
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Penguin, 1978
Resumen: For Arthur Rowe the trip to the charity fête was a joyful step back into adolescence, a chance to forget the nightmare of the blitz - and the aching guilt of having mercifully murdered his sick wife. He was surviving alone, aside from the war, until he happened to guess both the true and the false weight of the cake. From that moment he finds himself ruthlessly hunted, the quarry of malign and shadowy forces, from which he endeavours to escape with a mind that remains obstinately out of focus.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31=111 G822mi.

Monsignor Quixote por
  • Greene, Graham, 1904-1991
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Penguin, 1983
Resumen: With his Sancho Panza a deposed Communist mayor, his faithful Rocinante as antiquated motor car, Monsignor Quixote roams through modern-day Spain in a brilliant picaresque fable that, like Cervantes classic, offers enduring insights into our life and times... "One of the finest writers of any language...Monsignor Quixote ia a ́tour de force" and a revealing document of Greene ́ s theological and political intelligence" - Washington Post.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821.111-31 =111 G822m.

Mrs.Dalloway por
  • Woolf, Virginia
  • Patton Wright, G [ed.]
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Vintage, 1992
Resumen: Newly edited by G. Patton Wright, this edition of Virginia Woolf's popular fourth novel, Mrs. Dalloway, with an introduction by Angelica Garnett, draws together all the textual variants to provide a text that represents as closely as possible Woolf's "final intentions".
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 W883m.

The nigger of the "Narcissus". por
  • Conrad, Joseph
  • Watts, Cedrid [prol.]
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Peguin, 1988
Resumen: The Nigger of tbe 'Narcissus' takes the reader on a voyage from Bombay lo London in a sailing ship - 'a fragment detached from the earth .. .like a small planet'. In his third novel and first major work Cornad explores themes of political and psychological subversion. Life on his 'small planet' is threatened, from within and without, by mutiny and by storm at sea, described with a new and magnificent sense of drama. Modern readers will fmd great pleasure in the novel but also much that may anger and disturb. Can Conrad be exonerated wholly from charges of reaction and racism in his handling of his themes and the central character; Jimmy Wait? Readers must find out for themselves. The novel none the less, according to one of Conrad's great biographers, Jocelyn Baines, 'contains, more than anything else he wrote, the essence of his experience at sea and of his views on the practical conduct oflife'
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 C623n.

Nine stories por
  • Salinger, J. D, 1919-2010
Series Fiction ; 8
Edición: 4a ed. 8a reimp. 1968
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: New York : Bantam Book, 1964
Resumen: Nine Stories (1953) is a collection of short stories by American fiction writer J. D. Salinger published in April 1953. It includes two of his most famous short stories, "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" and "For Esmé - with Love and Squalor". (Nine Stories is the U.S. title; the book is published in many other countries as For Esmé - with Love and Squalor, and Other Stories.) CONTENIDO: A Perfect Day for Bananafish, Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut, Just Before the War with the Eskimos, The Laughing Man, Down at the Dinghy, For Esmé - with Love and Squalor, Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes, De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period y Teddy.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H 821-34=111 S33 1964.

A painted house por
  • Grisham, John, 1955-
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: New York : Dell Book, 2002
Resumen: Until that September of 1952, Luke Chandler had never kept a secret or told a single lie. But in the long, hot summer of his seventh year, two groups of migrant workers-and two very dangerous men-came through the Arkansas Delta to work the Chandler cotton farm. And suddenly mysteries are flooding Luke's world. A brutal murder leaves the town seething in gossip and suspicion. A beautiful young woman ignites forbidden passions. A fatherless baby is born. And someone has begun furtively painting the bare clapboards of the Chandler farmhouse, slowly, painstakingly, bathing the run-down structure in gleaming white. And as young Luke watches the world around him, he unravels secrets that could shatter lives-and change his family and his town forever. The novel from John Grisham inspired by his own childhood in rural Arkansas. The narrator is a farm boy named Luke Chandler, age seven, who lives in the cotton fields with his parents and grandparents in a little house that's never been painted. The Chandlers farm eighty acres that they rent, not own, and when the cotton is ready they hire a truckload of Mexicans and a family from the Ozarks to help harvest it. For six weeks they pick cotton, battling the heat, the rain, the fatigue, and, sometimes, each other. As the weeks pass Luke sees and hears things no seven-year-old could possibly be prepared for, and finds himself keeping secrets that not only threaten the crop but will change the lives of the Chandlers forever.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31=111 G887.

Peerless flats por
  • Freud, Esther
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Penguin, 1993
Resumen: Lisa has high hopes for her first year in London. She is sixteen and ambitious to become more like her sister Ruby. Ruby lives life to the full. She has cropped hair, a past, and a rockabilly boyfriend whose father is in prision. But Lisa, squeezed into a temporary council flat with her fox-struck brother and her bohemian mother, feels unable to compete. In imitation of Ruby, she trails through the city, dabbling with drugs and romance, and refusing to lose faith in her belief that something fantastic will happen to mark the beginning of the rest of her life. Esther Freud was born in 1963 in London, but grew up mostly in Susex. She trained as an actress at the Drama Centre and has since worked in television and theatre as both and actress and a writer.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 F895.

The Rachel Papers por
  • Amis, Martin
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Peguin, 1973
Resumen: Charles Highway, a precociously intelligent and highly sexed teenager, is determined to Sleep with and Older Woman before he turns twenty. Rachel fits the bill perfectly: he plants the seduction meticulously, sets the scene with infinite care -but it doesn ́t come off quite as Charles expects...
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 A57r.

Short stories of the twentieth century por
  • Jepson, R. W [ed.]
Series The heritage of literature series. Fiction ; 24
Edición: 1a. ed., 7a. reimp.
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Longman, 1954
Resumen: "There are two requisites in a Short: it should be a story, and it should be short. something happens : there is movement from one situation to another, a movement that develops through some complication to a crisis and final resolution: in other words there is a plot. A piece of prose composition may be vivid, true to life, packed with interest, and attractively written, but if it discloses no plot, it is not a story: it may excel as a sketch, or a word-picture, or a study of character, mood, or scene, but if it lacks the kindof movement I have described, to call it a story is a misnomer (...)"
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H 821-34 = 111 J461 1954.

Solaris por
  • Lem, Stanislas
  • Jasienko, Jean-Michael [tr.]
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: Paris : Denoël, 2010
Resumen: Une équipe scientifique débarque sur Solaris, une planète océan inhabitée qui tourne autour de deux soleils. Là, le Dr Kelvin est intrigué par le comportement du physicien Sartorius et du cybernéticien Snaut, qui semblent terrorisés par la visite d'une femme, Harey, que Kelvin a tant aimée et qui s'est suicidée plusieurs années auparavant. De découverte en découverte, les scientifiques s'apercevront que c'est l'océan, une entité intelligente et télépathe, qui essaie d'entrer en contact avec eux en matérialisant leurs fantasmes les plus secrets.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31=133.1 L54.

Time's Arrow : or the nature of the offence por
  • Amis, Martin
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Penguin, 1991
Resumen: "His best tells the story, backwards, of the life of a Nazi war criminal...". "Amis ́s backwards world is rigorously imagined. It is a world of pathos and cruel hilarity... but the crux, the test of his vision... is what he does with Auschwitz... Amis ́s profound book adds a new and terrifying dimension to the Shakespeare tragic concepcion of time being "out of join" - James Wood in the "Guardian·
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-31 =111 A57t.

Typhoon and other stories por
  • Conrad, Joseph
  • Kirschner, Paul [prol.]
Tipo de material: Texto Texto; Forma literaria: No es ficción
Detalles de publicación: London : Penguin, 1990
Resumen: In these four stories, written between 1900 and 1902. JOseph Conrad bid gradual farewell to his adventurrous life at sea and began to confront the more dounting complexities of life and land in the twentieth century.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: 821-34 =111 C623t.


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