Catálogo Bibliográfico

Su búsqueda retornó 4 resultados.

Archival research in translation and censorship : digging into the “true museum of Francoism” [Recurso electrónico] por
  • Lobejón Santos, Sergio
  • Gómez Castro, Cristina
  • Gutiérrez Lanza, Camino
  • Universidad de Montréal (Canadá)
Series Meta Volume 66, numéro 1, avril 2021 ; v. 66, n. 1Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN; ARCHIVOS; CENSURA; RECURSOS DE INFORMACION.
Origen: Meta, volume 66, numéro 1 : avril 2021
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Idioma: Inglés
Detalles de publicación: Montréal : Université de Montréal, 2021
Otro título:
  • Meta Translators' Journal
Resumen: Systematic research on translation and censorship in Francoist Spain started roughly ten years after the dismantling of the regime’s censorship apparatus in 1985, following the opening of the censorship archives at the Archivo General de la Administración (AGA) in Alcalá de Henares. Since then, numerous comprehensive studies on the translation of various genres have been produced, all of them making extensive use of the censorship files issued and archived by the regime as their main source of information. However, little to no reflection has been done on the structure, usefulness and reliability of those data. This paper examines archival sources in translation and censorship, delving into the AGA’s history and structure, as well as its unique position as a censorship repository. It describes the AGA’s document collections on censored cultural artefacts and the possibilities they afford to study the impact of censorship on the translation of various text types. Ultimately, it argues that while AGA data have proved to be a key component in censorship research in Spain, complementary information is essential in reconstructing translation activity at the time and to ascertain how textual changes observed in censored translations came about.
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Enjeux symboliques et scientifiques des archives de traducteurs : les archives Tophoven à Straelen [Recurso electrónico] por
  • Arber, Solange
  • Tophoven, Erika
  • Universidad de Montréal (Canadá)
Origen: Meta, volume 66, numéro 1 : avril 2021
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Idioma: Francés
Detalles de publicación: Montréal : Université de Montréal, 2021
Otro título:
  • Meta Translators' Journal
Resumen: Le traducteur allemand Elmar Tophoven (1923-1989) est connu pour ses traductions de Samuel Beckett et d’écrivains du Nouveau Roman tels qu’Alain Robbe-Grillet, Nathalie Sarraute et Claude Simon. À partir des années 1960, il a commencé à prendre méticuleusement en notes son processus de traduction. Elmar Tophoven a prôné cette « traduction transparente » afin de promouvoir le partage d’expériences entre traducteurs, de documenter et d’analyser le processus de traduction, et de montrer que tout le travail et la créativité qui entrent en jeu dans la traduction n’étaient pas suffisamment reconnus. Cette entreprise l’a amené, avec son épouse Erika Tophoven, à créer, organiser et conserver leurs propres archives, qui ont récemment été rassemblées dans la maison familiale de Straelen, en Allemagne. Les archives de traducteurs, rarement jugées dignes d’être préservées sur le long terme, font face à de nombreux défis. Elles doivent prouver leur valeur scientifique et symbolique, en particulier dans le cas de traducteurs et de traductrices de métier. À travers l’exemple des archives Tophoven, nous espérons souligner l’importance des archives pour la recherche en traductologie ainsi que la valeur patrimoniale générale des archives de traducteurs.
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Translation archives : an introduction [Recurso electrónico] por
  • Cordingley, Anthony
  • Hersant, Patrick
  • Universidad de Montréal (Canadá)
Series Meta Volume 66, numéro 1, avril 2021 ; v. 66, n. 1Temas: REVISTAS; ARCHIVOS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta, volume 66, numéro 1 : avril 2021
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Idioma: Francés
Detalles de publicación: Montréal : Université de Montréal, 2021
Otro título:
  • Meta Translators' Journal
Resumen: For archival scientists, the archive is both a source of research objects and an object of research. The current issue of Meta adopts this perspective to explore archives as repositories of the evidence of translation and as sites that shape our understanding of the translation process, the translation profession, and the lives of translators. Over the past decades, translation research has grown in complexity and relevance through a series of encounters with other disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, linguistics, cognitive sciences, history, and intercultural studies (Gambier 2006: 31). The archive enriches this dialogue, firstly, by offering an invaluable trove of primary sources for such inquiry, and secondly, by presenting a new vector through which to measure, critique, and conceptualize translation practice, its function and status in societies past and present. Researchers comb the archive for materials most relevant to their own investigation, yet a single source lends itself to a variety of readings: a translation draft of a poem, for example, will stimulate a literary scholar to decode its variations and intertextual references, a sociologist will use it when sketching out the translator’s habitus and professional milieu, the cognitive scientist may detect the operation of memory and environment, a linguist its stylistic patterns or socio-linguistic phenomena, and so on.
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Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Translations not in the making? : Rejections, disruptions and impasses in translator–publisher correspondence [Recurso electrónico] por
  • Paloposki, Outi
  • Universidad de Montréal (Canadá)
Origen: Meta, volume 66, numéro 1
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Idioma: Inglés
Detalles de publicación: Montréal : Université de Montréal, 2021
Otro título:
  • Meta Translators' Journal
Resumen: This is a study of a frequently occurring but seldom studied phenomenon: that of proposed translations, rejections and disruptions in translators’ work. The study is based on the correspondence of 64 translators in the archive of the Werner Söderström (WSOY) publishing house in Finland between the 1880s and the 1940s. It deals with around 180 translator suggestions and an almost equal number of rejections discovered in translator–publisher correspondence. The research draws on actor-network theory and its focus is on emergent processes and controversies, exploring the events and decisions as they unfold in the archived interaction between translators and publishers. The large number of rejections, the various kinds of disrupted processes in the making of translations and the contingency of the translation event are set in high relief. Studying the way translations come into being – or do not come into being, as is often the case – shifts the focus from translations as products to the translation event: disruptions and impasses, it will be shown, constitute a significant share of translators’ and editors’ work and are crucial in understanding the translation process.
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