Catálogo Bibliográfico

Su búsqueda retornó 3 resultados.

Strategies in a corpus of simultaneous interpreting : effects of directionality, phraseological richness, and position in speech event [Recurso electrónico] por
  • Dayter, Daria
  • Universidad de Montréal (Canadá)
Series Meta Volume 65, numéro 3, décembre 2020 ; v. 65, n. 3Temas: REVISTAS; INTERPRETACIÓN SIMULTÁNEA; INVESTIGACIÓN EN INTERPRETACIÓN; RUSO - INGLÉS.
Origen: Meta, volume 65, numéro 3
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Idioma: Español
Detalles de publicación: Montréal : Université de Montréal, 2020
Otro título:
  • Meta Translators' Journal
Resumen: The study surveys the existing literature on strategies in simultaneous interpreting (understood here as transformations indicative of interpreting procedures that manifest in the product of interpreting). On the basis of the survey, a summary of eight strategies which are present in various research strands is compiled. I use a parallel bidirectional corpus of Ru-En simultaneous interpreting to extract a random sample of 360 fragments and investigate the presence of the eight strategies in the sample. The type of strategy is then correlated with three variables: direction of interpreting, position of the source fragment in the original text, and phraseological richness of the source fragment. The findings indicate that all the strategies, including an additional transformation category (incorrect interpretations), are present in the sample, although some of them are considerably less common than earlier literature purports. All three variables have significant association with the type of strategy, although in cases of directionality this holds only for saucissonnage and omission. A close analysis of three coding categories—omission, explicitation, and incorrect interpretations—suggests that interpreters in this corpus orient more towards a performative than informative function of their SI.
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Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Meta, volume 65, numéro 3 : décembre 2020 [Recurso electrónico] por
  • Universidad de Montréal (Canadá)
  • Universidad de Montréal (Canadá)
Series Meta Volume 65, numéro 3, décembre 2020 ; v. 65, n. 3Temas: REVISTAS; INTERPRETACIÓN; TERMINOLOGÍA; TRADUCCIÓN; LINGÜISTICA.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Idioma: Francés
Detalles de publicación: Montréal : Université de Montréal, 2020
Otro título:
  • Meta Translators' Journal
Resumen: Meta : journal des traducteurs / Meta: Translators’ Journal est une revue savante internationale qui publie des articles de recherche en traduction, en terminologie et en interprétation. La revue publie deux numéros réguliers et un numéro spécial par volume, à raison de dix à douze articles par numéro. Trois langues sont acceptées, soit le français, l’anglais et l’espagnol. Dans certains numéros spéciaux consacrés à des langues-cultures particulières, d’autres langues, telles que l’allemand et le turc, ont également déjà été acceptées. Meta s’adresse plus particulièrement aux chercheurs, mais aussi à tous ceux qui s’intéressent aux phénomènes langagiers mis en jeu dans la communication interculturelle.
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Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (10)Signatura topográfica: H 23, ...

Implementing and managing remote public service interpreting in response to COVID-19 and other challenges of globalization [Recurso electrónico] por
  • Cotret, François René de
  • Beaudoin-Julien, Andrée-Anne
  • Leanza, Yvan
  • Universidad de Montréal (Canadá)
Origen: Meta, volume 65, numéro 3
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Idioma: Inglés
Detalles de publicación: Montréal : Université de Montréal, 2020
Otro título:
  • Meta Translators' Journal
Resumen: Although it has been acknowledged that public service interpreting helps reduce the language barriers faced by migrant populations, these barriers continue to be a significant cause of healthcare inequality. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, remote interpreting appears to be the most appropriate solution to address the health inequalities of migrant populations while intervening to reduce the risk of the virus spreading. The purpose of the research was to identify ways of providing a framework for the remote interpretation of public service encounters in the province of Quebec, Canada. A series of recommendations available in the literature were discussed with 27 key actors in the field during focus groups and individual conversations. A thematic analysis of participant discourse allowed us to confirm the extent to which existing recommendations were applicable, to clarify certain recommendations and to add seven new ones. The Guide to the planning and practice of remote public service interpreting (see appendices) consists of 10 recommendations on the planning and management of remote interpreting services and 25 recommendations on the actual encounter. Results show that remote interpreting does not refer solely to telecommunications technology, but also to a knowledge and skill set needed to supervise and coordinate the use of that technology in very specific practice contexts while minimizing the effect of the virtual presence and encouraging the distribution of information among key actors through clearly identified communication channels. The Guide addressed these many features.
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Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.


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