Journal des traducteurs
Translators’ Journal

Volume 65, numéro 1, avril 2020 New Contexts in Discourse Analysis for Translation and Interpretation Sous la direction de María Calzada Pérez et Jeremy Munday

Sommaire (26 articles)

  1. Errata
  2. In Memoriam – Lourdes Arencibia Rodríguez
  3. Éditorial


Reflections on discourse analysis

  1. Traduire dans un monde de signes non traduits : l’incidence de la multimodalité en traductologie
  2. Comparing across languages in corpus and discourse analysis: some issues and approaches

New contexts

  1. Volunteer translators as ‘committed individuals’ or ‘providers of free labor’? The discursive construction of ‘volunteer translators’ in a commercial online learning platform translation controversy
  2. Manipulation of translation in hard news reporting on the Gulf crisis: combining narrative and appraisal
  3. Taking mediated stance via news headline transediting: a case study of the China-U.S. trade conflict in 2018
  4. Traduction intersémiotique et contexte : des contrats en bande dessinée en tant que documents juridiques accessibles

Fine methods

  1. A corpus-assisted SFL approach to individuation in the European Parliament: the case of Sánchez Presedo’s original and translated repertoires
  2. Shifts of agency in translation: a case study of the Chinese translation of Wild Swans
  3. An SFL-based model for investigating explicitation-related phenomena in translation
  4. Du texte aux ressources multimodales : faire avancer la recherche en interprétation à partir d’un corpus déjà existant
  5. Investigación con corpus cualitativos en los estudios de traducción: el problema de los constructos traductológicos complejos


Comptes rendus

  1. Chesterman, Andrew (2017) : Reflections on Translation Theory : Selected papers 1993-2014. Amsterdam/Philadelphie : John Benjamins, 396 p.
  2. Prieto Ramos, Fernando, ed. (2018): Institutional Translation for International Governance. Enhancing Quality in Multilingual Legal Communication. London/New York: Bloomsbury, 228 p.
  3. Bada, Valérie, Letawe, Céline, Pagnoulle, Christine et Willson, Patricia, dir. (2018) : Impliciter, expliciter – L’intervention du traducteur. Liège : Presses universitaires de Liège, 273 p.
  4. Baumgarten, Stefan and Cornellà-Detrell, Jordi (2018): Translation and Global Spaces of Power. Bristol/Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters, 248 p.
  5. Russo, Mariachiara, Bendazzoli, Claudio, and Defrancq, Bart, eds. (2018): Making Way in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies. Singapore: Springer, 215 p.
  6. Bowker, Lynne et Buitrago Ciro, Jairo (2019) : Machine Translation and Global Research : Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community. Bingley : Emerald Publishing, 111 p.
  7. Marais, Kobus (2019) : A (Bio)Semiotic Theory of Translation. The Emergence of Social-Cultural Reality. New York/Londres : Routledge, 208 p.
  8. Dussol, Vincent et Şerban, Adriana, dir. (2018) : Poésie-Traduction-Cinéma/Poetry-Translation-Cinema. Limoges : Éditions Lambert-Lucas, 358 p.
  9. Stone, Christopher and Leeson, Lorraine, eds. (2017): Interpreting and the Politics of Recognition. London/New York: Routledge, 162 p.
  10. Meng, Ji and Oakes, Michael, eds. (2019): Advances in Empirical Translation Studies: Developing Translation Resources and Technologies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 270 p.
  11. Bassnett, Susan, ed. (2018): Translation and World Literature. London/New York: Routledge, 202 p.

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