Catálogo Bibliográfico

Is there a school for editing? the answer is yes and you should know about it

Landis, Michéle F.

Is there a school for editing? the answer is yes and you should know about it - Alexandra, VA American Translators Association 2003 - p.61-64viii, 447 p. - Proceedings of the 44th. Annual Conference. .

incl. ref.

This is a follow-up of last year ́s presentation in Atlanta advocating a positive interaction between translators, editors, proofreaders to achieve accurate, cost-effective highquality translation. After learning that Editing actually taught in some Canadian colleges where translators are being trained, I was more than ever conviced that important part in the translation process deserved more attention from the translation community and coul become more efficient and productive.


061.3 : 81 ́25 ATA 44 2003

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