Catálogo Bibliográfico

On the intriguing relationship between literary translation and creativity.

Vezzaro, Cristina

On the intriguing relationship between literary translation and creativity. - 2011 - San Francisco, CA International Federation of TranslatorsAmerican Translators Association - p. 85-92408 p. - Proceedings of the XIX World Congress of the International Federation of Translators .

This contribution aims at analyzing creative processes with respect to translation. The fact of acknowledging that the translation process is inevitably influenced by the translator's own imagery and life experience and being aware of the act to choice that comes with every translated sentence paves the way for translator to find their own creative voices. If Robert Frost once said that "poetry is lost in translation", this paper shows -in Joseph Brodsky's words- that "poetry is gained in translations"


061.3:81'25 =111 FIT XIX 2011

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