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The legal texts : the results of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoDetalles de publicación: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1999Edición: Reimp. 2001Descripción: ix, 492 pISBN:
  • 0-521-78580-4
La Biblioteca posee una versión de éste volumen en español (Los resultados de la Ronda Uruguay de negociaciones comerciales multilaterales : los textos jurídicos, MFN 7524) y otra en francés (Rèsultats des nègociations commerciales multilatérales du Cycle
Resumen: This volume contains the texts of each of the agreements reached at the conclusion of the <Uruguay Round> in December 1993. It also contains the related decisions taken at the same time and those taken later at the <Ministerial Meeting in Marrakesh> in April 1994. The Final Act of the Uruguay Round and the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the <World Trade Organization> (the <WTO> Agreement) were signed at the Marrakesh Ministerial Meeting. In addition, some delegations signed one or more of the four plurilateral agreements referred to in Annex 4 of the WTO Agreement. The WTO Agreement includes the "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994". This instrument, known as "<GATT 1994>", is based upon the text of the original General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade referred to as "<GATT 1947>". The text of "GATT 1947" as subsequently amended by decision of the GATT CONTRACTING PARTIES is included for reference at the end of this volume.
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La Biblioteca posee una versión de éste volumen en español (Los resultados de la Ronda Uruguay de negociaciones comerciales multilaterales : los textos jurídicos, MFN 7524) y otra en francés (Rèsultats des nègociations commerciales multilatérales du Cycle

This volume contains the texts of each of the agreements reached at the conclusion of the <Uruguay Round> in December 1993. It also contains the related decisions taken at the same time and those taken later at the <Ministerial Meeting in Marrakesh> in April 1994. The Final Act of the Uruguay Round and the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the <World Trade Organization> (the <WTO> Agreement) were signed at the Marrakesh Ministerial Meeting. In addition, some delegations signed one or more of the four plurilateral agreements referred to in Annex 4 of the WTO Agreement. The WTO Agreement includes the "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994". This instrument, known as "<GATT 1994>", is based upon the text of the original General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade referred to as "<GATT 1947>". The text of "GATT 1947" as subsequently amended by decision of the GATT CONTRACTING PARTIES is included for reference at the end of this volume.

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