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À la recherche des germes de la modernité chinoise : traduction scientifique à la fin de la dynastie Ming et au début de la dynastie Qing por
  • Cao, Danhong
  • Jun, Xu
Origen: Babel
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, october-december 2016
Resumen: Dans l'histoire de la traduction en Chine, la période de la fin de la dynastie Ming et du début de la dynastie Qing est considérée comme une des quatre grandes périodes où abondent les activités de traduction. Cette période a surtout vu l'arrivée de nombreux jésuites de l'Occident et l'apparition de quantité de traductions scientifiques et technologiques qui couvraient un vaste champ de disciplines, ce qui l'a distinguée des trois autres périodes. Ces traductions ont résulté des facteurs économique, socio-culturel, psychologique, linguistique, etc. et ont à leur tour profondément marqué la société moderne chinoise. Étant donné l'importance des activités de traduction de cette époque-là pour l'Histoire chinoise, cet article essaie d'y jeter un coup d'oeil rétrospectif et d'en faire une brève présentation en dégageant les spécificités de ces activités, les raisons tant superficielles que profondes du boom de la traduction et les influences de cette dernière sur la société moderne chinoise.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H17.

The adaptatión of Shakespeare ́s pentameter into Catalan por
  • Pujol, Didac
  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, España
Origen: Babel - Volume 52, Issue 4, 2006
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, october-december 2006
Resumen: The airn of this article is to identify the translation strategies involved in the adaptation of Shakespeare's pentameter into Catalan. The paper compares Shakespeare's pentameter (which is characterised by flexibility, naturalness and evolution over time) with the adaptation made by Catalan translators: the most usual line, the decasyllable (sually containing a masculine caesura on the 4th syllable) is felt to be too rigid and monotonous by some translators, and is regarded as too short to accommodate the meaning ofShakespeares péntametric line. In order to overcome these limitations, some translators use two techniqoes: polimetry and alternative line breaks. These practices have some advantages: they promote metrical variety and, in the case of polimetry, they allow the translator to lengthen the line; the result is verse that, in terms of flexibility, variety and naturalness, resembles Shakespeare's much more than verse made up exclusively of traditional 4+6 decasyllables. Yet, polimetry and the combination of caesured and uncaesured lines have some disadvantages: if practised in excess, these translation procedures inhibit the perception of rhythm and, in the case of polimetry, ignore the metrical evolution that exists between Shakespeare's early and his middle and late plays.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H17.

The afterlife of the Brothers Grimm's fairy tales in China : translation and reception por
  • Li, LI
Origen: Babel
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Idioma: Alemán
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, october-december 2013
Resumen: The Brothers Grimm's fairy tales are among the most widely read children's stories in China. This paper first briefly outlines the journey of these German stories in the Chinese land from three stages represented respectively by early attempts starting with 1902, the first complete version by Wei Yixin published in 1934 and the most authoritative complete version by Yang Wuneng published in 1993. Focus is specially laid on Yang's version and some specific characteristics of his translations are discussed. This is followed by a brief discussion on the historic influences of Grimms' tales upon the Chinese Folklore Movement and the early Chinese writers for children. The paper finally shows the current reception of Grimms' tales in China from such two aspects as the general public and the scholarly community.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H17.

Análisis traductológico de los wellerismos en Las aventuras de Pickwick, de Benito Pérez Galdós por
  • Ruano San Segundo, Pablo
Origen: Babel
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Idioma: Inglés
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, january-march 2017
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to analyze Perez Galdós's systematic omission of wellerisms in Las Aventuras de Pickwick (1868), the first translation of Dickens's The Pickwick Papers ever made into Spanish. Wellerisms are without a doubt the best-known phraseological units in Dickens. Apart from their comic and subversive function, they play a role of paramount importance in terms of characterization too. Their rendering in another language is thus fundamental. However, only four examples - out of more than thirty- are preserved in Perez Galdós's text. This loss is scrutinized here. The analysis is divided into two parts. First, some wellerisms from the original novel are compared to those in both Perez Galdós's translation and Grolier and Lorain's Aventures de Monsieur Pickwick, for there exists a suspicion that Perez Galdós used this French version as source text for his translation. As will be shown, this suspicion is confirmed. Next, the omission of some examples is analyzed against the backdrop of both the French translation and the original text, so as to provide some feasible explanations for such a loss. As will be demonstrated, Perez Galdós did not realize the stylistic importance of these phraseological units in The Pickwick Papers.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H17.

Applying assessment holistic method to the translation exam in Yemen por
  • Bahameed, Adel Salem
Origen: Babel
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, january-march 2016
Resumen: This paper is an attempt to guide the teachers how the assessment process should be and it highlights the effectiveness and suitability of adopting the holistic method of assessment. This method was applied to the correction of students' translations of the final exam containing different texts to be translated in both directions between English and Arabic. The exam was done by 36 female students at the Faculty for Women - Seiyun, Yemen on the undergraduate degree course of Translation (2). The hypothesis regarding the suitability and effectiveness of using the assessment holistic method and the possibility to improve the quality of the assessing the students' translations in future based on this method has not been verified. This study concluded that the main factor which is clearly identifiable was translation competence and that this method was found out to be too lenient to give impartial translation quality assessment for the students' translations.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H17.

Approach to the translation of sound in comic books por
  • Igareda, Paula
Origen: Babel
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, june 2017
Resumen: The relationship between texts and images in comics is essential from the graphic point of view and for the understanding of the story. Hence, the translation of comics has certain peculiarities that other literature genres do not have, partly due to its combination of iconic language and literary language. Among the wide array of interesting topics within this field, we are going to focus on a great challenge for translators: the graphic and phonetic values of the sounds in comics. Technical advances have improved comic books translation: nowadays modifying an element of the vignette no longer involves redrawing the whole animation. Thus, the translation of this literature genre can now focus on other problematic issues, such as the translation of sounds. Taking into account the lack of categorization of these sounds, this article deals with the translation of inarticulate sounds, interjections and onomatopoeias from English comic books into Spanish in order to observe the existing trends in these issues and to confirm if the new technologies have changed the translators' task in the last 25 years.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H17.

The appropriation of linguistic forms for better cognitive comprehension of the Nigerian pragmatic literature por
  • Ibrahim, Binta Fatima
Origen: Babel - Volume 56, Issue 2, 2010
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, april-june 2010
Resumen: The propensity of the English language to absorb native nuances by the African writers should be seen as a worthwhile stylistic device, despite the position of English language. Its adaptability to natural flavours should therefore be aimed at the writers' intention to reach a wider audience. This also means that the attempt by writers to decolorize through literature the polluted African culture god through the use of appropriate notions and local nuances. The technique has, however, been to put on record traditional ways of life, the peoples' customs, communal activities such as festivals, ceremonies, rituals, myths, folktales, proverbs, music, dance, songs, etc. in order to remind the African reader about the importance of these crucial aspects of the tradition in addition to the appropriation of language use. Hence most African writings can be said to have their foundations in the cultural heritage of their various groups. through the use of what one may call technically implanted African English, African coinages, direct translation, proverbs, local idioms transfers of mother tongues, local insertions/ect. Hence it is not enough to use the sociological and residual approaches to literature. The formalist and pragmatic approaches should also be considered paramount in the writing of African literature. For the choice of diction, narrative technique and the entire pragma-aesthetic implications of the African man's speech is important to the reader of African literature, if he is to understand the theme.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H17.

Una aproximación empírica a la clasificación y traducción de las figuras retóricas en la publicidad por
  • Calzada Pérez, María
  • Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, España
Series Volume 57, Issue 1, 2011 ; v. 57, n. 1Temas: ESTUDIOS DE TRADUCCIÓN; PUBLICIDAD; RETORICA; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Babel - Volume 57, Issue 1, 2011
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Idioma: Español
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, january-march 2011
Resumen: Nadie se atreverá a dudar hoy del poder de la publicidad. Desde una perspectiva histórica, el ámbito lingüístico es uno de los que más interés ha demostrado por el fenómeno publicitario y, por tanto, en este sentido, los estudios sobre publicidad han pasado, desde mediados del siglo XX, por los mismos avatares que la lingüística moderna. Los trabajos sobre publicidad proliferan tanto en forma de libros como de artículos especializados que exploran aspectos lingüísticos-formales, estilísticos, pragmáticos, multimodales, sin olvidar los traductológicos. Nos obstante, el presente artículo parte de aquellas aportaciones, que, desde el campo del consumo y el mercado, analizan el uso de los recursos retóricos del lenguaje de la publicidad.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H17.

Aproximaciones desde la ética en la interpretación en casos de violencia de género por
  • Valero-Garcés, Carmen
Origen: Babel
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, january-march 2016
Resumen: A 2011 Gender Violence Macrosurvey carried out by the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS, Spanish Centre for Sociological Research) in collaboration with the Spanish Government alerts The Macro on Gender Violence conducted by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) gives significant figures on gender-based violence (GBV) suffered by foreign women in Spain. Based on the specificity of care for foreign women in issues of gender based violence (GBV) and taking as its starting point previous investigations by FITISPOs, the recommendations and work carried out within the European project SOS VICS and my own experience, the main aim of this article is twofold: first, to draw attention to qualitative aspects of the interactions between service providers, interpreters and foreign victims of gender based violence ( GBV), and secondly, to, investigate what happens when some ethical dilemmas come up between the different professionals that take care of GBV.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H17.

Audience attitude and translation reception : the case of genji monogatari por
  • McAuley, Thomas E
Origen: Babel
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, april-june 2015
Resumen: This article proposes a skopos-based analysis of the English translations of the eleventh century Japanese literary work, Genji monogatari ("The Tale of Genji") as a means of understanding the basis for the translations' differing receptions among their target audiences. The translations, by Suematsu Kencho, Arthur Waley, Edward Seidensticker and Royall Tyler, are widely spaced chronologically, being published between 1888-2001, and were each produced with differing audiences and aims, thus making them a useful corpus for this analysis. In addition, all of the translators have written, with varying degrees of explicitness, about their motivations and purposes in conducting their translations. First, through an analysis of the translators' writings, introductions, and individual circumstances, the article will demonstrate how the skopos for each translation can be determined. Second, through an analysis and comparison of text excerpts, it will demonstrate how the skopos influenced the translation choices of the individual translators, with material being, for example, omitted, changed in psychological tone, or rendered more explicit, depending upon the individual translator's overriding purpose in their work. Finally, through an analysis of the reviews of the various translations, it will consider the extent to which each translator was successful in achieving a positive and intended response to his translation in the target audience.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H17.

Authenticity and the indigenous : translating the ethnographic avant-garde por
  • Washbourne, Kelly
Origen: Babel
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Idioma: Español
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, april-june 2016
Resumen: This study will entertain considerations of authenticity and identity in translating Spanish American Neoindigenist fiction. Ladino writing and its translatability, its translinguistic and transcultural nature, are explored, particularly insofar as its context intersects with the oral and written traditions and their convergences and divergences. Notions about authenticity that adhere to these forms and expressions are considered. The translational origins of supposedly "pure" works of indigenousness, including the Popol Vuh, are traced in order to show an anti-essentialist hybridity that embraces an aesthetic realism rather than a mimetic one. The impure, then, describes the multivocal, multigeneric, and even multilingual texts from which translators work in this genre, creating in their turn "twice translated" texts. The tensions of these texts must be accounted for in translation. The glossary and other paratexts in Neoindigenismo and its precursor, Indigenismo, are surveyed as strategic repositories, sometimes of ideological slippages and always of contentions between worldviews. The goal of representing the cultural frame, the ecology of the source text, is championed, as are other considerations in the historicized and ethical presentation of difference.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H17.

Aux frontières de la pragmatique et de la linguistiqu e : les variables de l'information culturelle dans la lexicographie bilingue por
  • De Surmont, Jean-Nicolas
Origen: Babel - Volume 56, Issue 1, 2010
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, january-march 2010
Resumen: The introduction of cultural information (among others culturems) into the bilingual dictionaries suggests the old debate on the definition of culture, extremely productive word in definitions as much in the field of anthropology than that of sociology. At the borders of these two disciplines are the realia, these cultural realities sometimes named statalisms according to the definition of Jacques Pohl (1984). But the concept of realia is vaster than the referential extent than that of statalism to its creation (that of the administrative and political characteristics). On the basis of the concept of realia, we will try to determine the framework and the implications of them on a lexicographical level. The variation of French will be used as background with the theoretical lighting posed by this text. After this short glance on the theoretical and practical problems posed by the introduction of cultural information, we will formulate some proposals for solutions.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (1)Signatura topográfica: H17.

Babel : Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation por
  • International Federation of Translators
Origen: Babel : Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of Translation
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, 1997 -
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (46)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 43, Issue 1, 1997 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 43, Issue 1, 1997 ; v. 43, n. 1Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, january-march 1997
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (4)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 43, Issue 2, 1997 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 43, Issue 2, 1997 ; v. 43, n. 2Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, january-march 1997
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (5)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 43, Issue 3, 1997 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 43, Issue 3, 1997 ; v. 43, n. 3Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, january-march 1997
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (5)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 47, Issue 1, 2001 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 47, Issue 1, 2001 ; v. 47, n. 1Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, january-march 2001
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (5)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 48, Issue 2, 2002 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 48, Issue 2, 2002 ; v. 48, n. 2Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, april-jun 2002
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (6)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 48, Issue 3, 2002 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 48, Issue 3, 2002 ; v. 48, n. 3Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, jul-sep 2002
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (4)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 49, Issue 4, 2003 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 49, Issue 4, 2003 ; v. 49, n. 4Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, oct-dec 2003
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (4)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 52, Issue 3, 2006 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 52, Issue 3, 2006 ; v. 52, n. 3Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, jul-sep 2006
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (4)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 52, Issue 4, 2006 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 52, Issue 4, 2006 ; v. 52, n. 4Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, oct-nov 2006
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (4)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 53, Issue 1, 2007 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 53, Issue 1, 2007 ; v. 53, n. 1Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, jan-mar 2007
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (6)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 53, Issue 2, 2007 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 53, Issue 2, 2007 ; v. 53, n. 2Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, apr-jun 2007
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (6)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 53, Issue 3, 2007 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 53, Issue 3, 2007 ; v. 53, n. 3Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, jul-sep 2007
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (4)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 53, Issue 4, 2007 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 53, Issue 4, 2007 ; v. 53, n. 4Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, oct-dec 2007
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (5)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 56, Issue 1, 2010 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 56, Issue 1, 2010 ; v. 56, n. 1Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, jan-marc 2010
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (5)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 56, Issue 2, 2010 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 56, Issue 2, 2010 ; v. 56, n. 2Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, apr-jun 2010
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (5)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 57, Issue 1, 2011 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 57, Issue 1, 2011 ; v. 57, n. 1Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, jan-mar 2011
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (5)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...

Babel - Volume 57, Issue 2, 2011 por
  • International Federation of Translators
Series Volume 57, Issue 2, 2011 ; v. 57, n. 2Temas: REVISTAS; TRADUCCIÓN.
Origen: Meta: Journal des Traducteurs
Tipo de material: Recurso continuo Recurso continuo
Detalles de publicación: Sint-Amandsberg : Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, apr-jul 2011
Resumen: Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators, interpreters and terminologists (T&I), yet of interest also for nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field. The scope of Babel is intentional and embraces a multitude of disciplines built on the following pillars: T&I theory, practice, pedagogy, technology, history, sociology, and terminology management. Another important segment of this journal includes articles on the development and evolution of the T&I professions: new disciplines, growth, recognition, Codes of Ethics, protection, and prospects. The creation of Babel was proposed on the initiative of Pierre-François Caillé, founding president of the Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) and approved by the first FIT Congress of 1954 in Paris. Babel continues to be published for FIT and each issue contains a section dedicated to THE LIFE OF FIT. Articles for Babel are normally published in English or French but we also accept articles in Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Acceso en línea:
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: Biblioteca Bartolomé Mitre (5)Signatura topográfica: H17, ...


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Av. Corrientes 1834 - Subsuelo
Buenos Aires (C1045AAN)
Tel: (+ 54 11) 4373-7173 int. 221

Horarios de atención:
Lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 18.00.
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